Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Maddy here again.

I have lots to tell you. First, I got this cool new red harness that looks absolutely fabulous next to my sleek brown fur. Em was so proud of me when we walked the other day and I stayed with her, even better than super-duper-he-never-misbehaves Tucker. The really good news with that is when the new arrival arrives Em can still walk me and I will walk with her instead of pulling.I am pretty proud of myself!

Secondly, a project called Operation BABY is under way. Dave has been on top of the roof most of the week putting something called new shingles up. Not sure what was wrong with the old ones but supposedly the roof needed a new covering. I am okay with this with one exception. I have had to stay in the house most of the time. I have been out a few times but I have this urge to run when I do which lands me in my crate in time out. It is so hard to be a good dog.

Next project for Operation Baby (and by the way, still not 100% sure what this baby thing is all about) is destruction and recreation of two rooms in our house, one of which will be a nursery. The drywall will come out, two closets built and new drywall put in. Dave is doing all the work which means he will be inside and I will get more attention than I have this past week.

Tucker will post next with some new pictures.

Maddy - the most adorable dog in the world!

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